AlccoForte S/F is a multi-functional additive that will enhance the overall quality and durability of the produced concrete. AlccoForte S/F supports the hydration reactions of cement to maximize the binding effort of cement.
AlccoForte S/F reduces the inter-particle distance of the concrete by filling the pore space through crystallization. This also reduces shrinkage and cracks in the concrete and makes the concrete less permeable.
Alccotech Building Materials
AlccoForte S/F is tailor-made to reap maximum benefits from different types of cementitious systems, and it is available in the following variants:
1 AlccoForte S/F for use with OPC+ Fly Ash based Concrete.
2 AlccoForte S/F for use with OPC+GGBS based Concrete
AlccoForte S/F finds its use in high-grade concretes as a replacement for Microsilica, Metakaolin, and other similar microfine materials. With the use of AlccoForte S/F not only one can avoid dispersion-related issues with microfine materials but also avoid problems related to shrinkage which is not addressed with the use of microfine materials. Even though the particles size of AlccoForte S/F is comparable to cement, it matches or sometimes surpasses in achieving the desired strength and durability when compared to micro fine materials AlccoForte S/F achieves this by the reaction of its faster dissolving ingredients with cement and supplementary cementitious material components.
AlccoForte S/F has been developed using a combination of two technologies – chemical and mechanical modification of ingredients. During the chemical process, micro-crystals are formed in the inter-particle spaces, resulting in enhanced strength. By changing the chemical nature of the components hydrolysis of silicate is increased giving rise to enhancement of early strength along with the formation of microcrystals throughout the matrix.
Enhancing strength and durability through crystallization is the latest innovation used to support the concrete industry. The core of this concept is the achievement of the optimum amount of chemical and mechanical activation by adjusting the pH and fineness of the material. This enables high early strength development and hardening through crystallization With this innovation, the concrete industry can now move to the next level of sophistication in enhanced quality standards.