Alccosand is manufactured plaster sand which makes it an ecology-friendly alternative to river sand. Using the latest techniques, machinery, and materials; Alccosand is a fine example of a product substitute that helps preserve our fragile ecology.

Alccosand is made using the latest automated dry sand technology from Japan. The production process is fully automated to produce the desired sand gradation for specific applications which also proves to be economical with zero wastage, unlike the natural sands.

Plaster sand is a crucial component that serves to protect RCC structures both internally and externally. The remarkable features of Alccosand deliver invaluable benefits to both the end user and the constructing entity.


Alccotech Building Materials

 The different types of Plaster Mortar available are:

  • Alccosand (EP)  Classified Engineered Plaster Quality Sand

  • Alccosand (EC) Dry Classified Engineered Concrete Sand

Perfect Shape
The unique pearl-shaped grains create intergranular space which enables the cementitious mixture to bond seamlessly. Many benefits accrue from this feature.
One of the main benefits is the smooth surface created. Irregular shapes would result in an irregular surface. Alccosand ensures surface smoothness, thanks to its perfectly shaped granules.

Perfect Size
Produced with Vertipact (Specialized VSI) advanced Japanese technology, Alccosand is consistent in size and shape with no seasonal variations. The right amount of fines ensures no gaps in the plaster finish.
Traditionally, river sand needs to be sieved to be graded for size. This is essential for a uniform mixture. Alccosand is manufactured to a defined grain size specification to ensure a smoother plaster.

Free from deleterious materials and organic impurities

Perfect Finish
Finishing is one of the most important elements of a good plaster. It is essential for aesthetics.
Uniform grain size delivers a smoother and more uniform mix. This in turn results in a smoother finish than any other sand

Perfect Protection
Water-resistant. Alccosand delivers a smooth surface and a uniform mix which reduces permeability and ensures water resistance.
Another important feature provided by less wastage and good bonding is crack resistance. No organic impurities or deleterious materials ensure clean sand particles which produce a denser mix.
Alccosand is designed to provide high bonding quality and high resistance to crack formation.

Eco Friendly

Reduced Cement Consumption

Fewer Wastages