alccobond (TB) is a polymer-modified cementitious high-quality mortar especially suitable for AAC block, Fly Ash, and Hollow Block masonry. When mixed with water it results in a mix that is quite pliable and can be applied in layers and then finished on a level surface. It is composed of cement, carefully selected aggregates, and polymer additives. It can be used for both internal as well as external applications. Alccobond is a very high, international-quality block jointing mortar.

alccobond replaces the conventional method and material of jointing mortar which requires a 12-18 mm thickness with a revolutionary 2-3 mm joint thickness. Alccobond Jointing Mortar only requires additions of water before applications to prepare the product for use reducing the hassle of measuring and maintaining various individual elements to create a conventional mortar.


Alccotech Building Materials 

The different types of Plaster Mortar available are:

  • Alccobond (GP) –  General Purpose Block Joining Mortar
  • Alccobond (TB) –  Thin Bed Block Joining Mortar
  • High adhesive strength
  • Durable
  • Thin layer
  • Strong bond
  • Neat appearance
  • 3 mm layer is equivalent to 12 mm conventional mortar