Alccofix is a Non-Shrink polymer-modified cementitious mortar suitable for any substrate. When mixed with water, it results in a mix that is quite pliable and can be applied in layers and then finished on a level surface. It is composed of cement, carefully selected aggregates, and polymer additives. It can be used for both internal as well as external applications.


Alccotech Building Materials

 The different types of Plaster Mortar available are:

  • Alccofix (GP) – General Purpose Polymer Modified Mortar
  • Alccofix (SC) – Self-Curing Polymer Modified Mortar
  • Non-Shrink
  • Excellent bond to base concrete or masonry
  • Premixed accurately in specified proportions
  • Consistent performance in each and every bag
  • Contains the right blend of polymers for significantly improved performance
  • Extremely versatile – can be used for repairs in both vertical and horizontal applications
  • Highly resistant to abrasion and mechanical impact
  • Easy to use. Only water is to be added to the site
  • Clean and efficient mortar
  • Forms strong hard and durable bonds to serve as a protective layer
  • Minimum wastage due to less rebound
  • Better coverage
  • Mitigates cracks